LeWeb fanboys and Macbook signings

Johannes said it and what can I say, it’s true:

die @berlinblase crew verwandelt sich mehr und mehr in einen haufen web 2.0 groupies. “OMG, hast du den gesehen?” ;-)

(Roughly: “The Berlinblase crew is turning more and more into a bunch of web 2.0 groupies. “OMG, did you see him?” ;)”)

So Sebastian took it to the next step. He had his brand-new Macbook signed not once, but twice. First, by David Weinberger. Then also by Hugh Mac Leod of business card drawing fame:

Hugh Mac Leod, I'm blogging this. All rights reserved by the artist. Image by Hugh Mac Leod, I’m blogging this. All rights reserved by the artist.

Here’s a video of the drawing (don’t try this at home):

Hugh MacLeod signing Sebastian’s new Macbook from thewavingcat on Vimeo.



Well, I have to admit it’s not my laptop but Sebastian’s. And the pen was, err, sub-prime. I guess we’ll need to put a protection foil over it or something. However, it looked really cool. And I kinda liked how Hugh Mac Leod didn’t even hesitate but just started drawing on the shiny new laptop.

Lesson learned: if you have a new laptop and like signatures, do carry a permanent marker at all times. you might get blessed with worthy signatures or even a blue monster or two. ;)

By the way folks, the pen was non-permanent, but the signature stuck for a good week, … have to see David Weinberger and Hugh McLeod again ;-) The MBP is shiny as it was before, inhaled the good vibes and is rocking on …

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